
Suggestions For Keeping Your Pets Safe and Happy This Bonfire Night

Bonfire night is upon us and whilst there may be the odd pet that enjoys fireworks just as much as its owners, a recent survery showed that over 65 percent of pets display signs of fear and stress on or around Bonfire Night. So, with that said, here are Kerry Pritchard Petcare’s suggestions on how to keep your beloved pets safe and happy this Bonfire Night.

Before the fireworks begin:

  • Walk your dog before fireworks – make sure your dog is well exercised before the fireworks begin
  • Keep your cat indoors before it gets dark
  • Bring any outdoor small pets indoors for the duration of the fireworks
  • Try to settle your pets before the fireworks start – if your pets are in familiar and safe surroundings, it will help them cope with the noise better
  • Provide a safe hiding place – at noisy times around Bonfire Night, make sure your pets have somewhere safe to hide in their favourite room or place in the house
  • Close the curtains and turn up the volume on your TV or Radio to drown out the firework noises

During the fireworks:

  • Remain calm yourself. If you are uptight and stressed you will make your pets uptight and stressed
  • Don’t punish a cat or dog for cowering or reacting to the fireworks as this will intensify their stress. It isn’t their fault they are scared, they dont know whats going on and will take their lead from you
  • Don’t leave your pets alone in the house during the fireworks period – they may panic and this could result in an injury
  • Keep to your normal nightly routine, animals love familiarity
  • Finally and most importantly, give them extra love and attention